Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Hostage Situation in the Blogshphere

You now that feeling like you are trapped in a hostage situation, and you know, your the captor...? And you desperately want to tell your panicking hostage to calm down before they hurt themselves... That's what's it like hearing certain people talk without restraint.  You desperately want to escape now but as you fall deeper and deeper you realize there is no escape. You have just reached the good part of a very twisted novel, but you can't turn away because you must find out how it ends no matter how terrifying, how life altering frightening tale it is. You read other people fall into a short of maddness, and there is nothing you can do. Maybe it's because they are fictional, or maybe it's because it's not your place, or maybe it's because they currently live in Belguim.

Hum.. maybe that's just me. You know blogs are funny things. You can spill your world's secrets but the monsters in your closet can't chase after you here, because they don't have your E-mail address. You are safe in the dark forest  of cyber space. You know not to talk to wolves, or strangers, or sheep with sharp teeth. You can talk to the forest and for once you won't be crazy if it talks back.

Welcome to the Silver Well

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